Quote of the Day

Most travel is best of all in the anticipation or the remembering; the reality has more to do with losing your luggage.

~Regina Nadelson

Sadly, one of our friends has had experience with this. When Troy’s company flew everyone here back to the US for their annual general meeting (AGM), one guy’s luggage never made it to his final destination. Scott called the airline and after some back and forth for a few days, they told him his luggage had been put on the wrong plane and that it had made it back to Kuala Lumpur. Not so bad, right? All he had to do was buy some new clothes and necessities in the US and wait to get his stuff until he got back to Malaysia. ha. When we got back here and Scott went to the ‘lost luggage’ place, he had the misfortune of learning that the bag in question was, in fact, not his. Soooooooooooooo, he had to re-buy everything that was in it. We don’t know if Scott ended up getting any compensation from the airline, but he wasn’t very optimistic about it. Poor guy. That is totally a fear I have every time Troy and I take a trip. Cross your fingers our luck continues to stay the way it is.

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