Quote of the Day

“This moment, we own it.”

~’We Own It’ by 2 Chainz & Wiz Khalifa

I was listening to a song this morning and this one sentence in the song struck me as something that is very important. Every moment of our lives we own. God has given us a life filled with time. These moments are ours to do with as we wish. We have so much time and so many things to choose to do with each moment.  What do we do with our time? 

For me, I feel like I waste a lot of my moments. I spend a lot of time wishing, wanting and dreaming, but not as much time planning, living and doing. I have a huge list of things I want to do, but no real idea of how or when I’ll do them. I keep thinking of good things I could do, but not making the time to do them. I’m wasting my moments in WANTING and not DOING. I need to take ownership of the moments I’ve been given and live them. 

This seems especially important to me in these last two months we’re in Malaysia. We’ve done most of the big tourist things and I’ve gone to a few popular places on my own during the day, but we haven’t spent a lot of time experiencing life the way a local would. That’s one of the things I regret. So, for the next 53 days we are here, I’m going to make a point of seeing more of the local things and not spend so much time looking for ‘tourist’ things to do. There is so much to learn and experience here and I want to take the time to do that.


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